MARCO’s mission is to educate, advocate, and increase awareness of recovery by creating a collective voice among recovery communities across the State of Michigan. We strive to connect recovery communities to influence policy and improve recovery support services.
MARCO seeks to elevate the voice of all RCOs, lived experience, and the value of the members of all recovery communities.
The Michigan Association of Recovery Community Organizations (MARCO) foundation in 2020 was driven by the desire of people working in the recovery space to come together for a statewide collective impact on policies, investments, and initiatives affecting those in recovery from substance use. Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS) staff have acted as impartial conveners of the group since its origination and have relied on the collective expertise of the group to advise the Recovery pillar of the state opioid strategy. MARCO has met monthly since 2021 and, in 2023 established bylaws, vision and mission statements, and received 501c(3) non-profit status.